Co-workers sue Mega Millions lottery winners

I don’t know how many times I’ve seen generic versions of this story, but this is the latest, filed by four Piqua, Ohio, workers who want a $41 million share of the $207 million lottery payout. “The four said they were out of the office and unavailable to contribute to the office pool for the Dec. 12 drawing” but allege an oral agreement that winnings would be shared whether workers happened to be around to contribute or not. (Nancy Bowman, “Piqua lottery winners sued by co-workers”. Dayton Daily News, Dec. 23).


  • how arrogant is that?

    give me a break.

  • These disputes have become so common I’m surprised that people don’t enter into written agreements and that the states haven’t passed “Statute of Frauds”-like laws denying the validity of oral agreements to share in lottery winnings.

  • quit being so greedy share with your friends

  • no they were out…did not pay any money..don’t get no dough! everybody should buy their own ticket (with the same #) on these joint lottery deals! would save a lot of headache!

  • “everybody should buy their own ticket (with the same #) on these joint lottery deals! would save a lot of headache!”

    That completely defeats the point of pooling.

  • Well I think the problem is that they used money from last weeks’s winnings. When they all participated. So how do they decide how much they get based on them putting money back into the pool from the winnings of the previous week. They should just give these people the money. If they had been particpating for 5 years and just happened to be absent someone should have put in for them, or just deduct their 5 dollars from the winnings. People need to stop being so greedy.

  • Hey I just missed my new years party because I took a vacation maybe I should have my office have another one.

  • This was a subplot on a recent episode of NBC’s LIFE. A member of a Lottery Winner Anonymous group (surely this is a scriptwriters invention) is murdered and on of the members thinks his friend did it. The Lottery winner and a buddy had been buying tickets for 20 years and one day the friend didn’t have a dollar, and guess what happened.

  • I run a lottery pool for my office.

    When I started it, I simply wrote out the rules up front.

    If the winnings for a week are too low (less than $10 apiece), they go back into the pool for the next week. If you don’t play the next week, you get no benefit.

    I e-mail copies of the tickets each drawing with a list of who paid & is therefore eligible to win.

    I couldn’t imagine telling anyone, “Oh, yeah, just contribute when you want to, if we win we will share it.” That’s not fair to the people who gave their money.

    Sharing with those people is not the “right thing to do”. If you do that, then where do you draw the line? When I buy tickets for my company, I also get a few extra just for me. If I win on one of MY tickets, should I share with them? heck no.