Oz: “Letter bomber Colin Dunstan wins compensation”

Australia: “A man who held the nation to ransom with a letter-bomb campaign has won compensation linked to the failed workplace love affair that sparked the terror reign.” [Herald-Sun] In other Antipodean workplace news, a man currently jailed on child porn charges has won an unfair dismissal case against his former employer, food company Nestle, notwithstanding “allegations that he had routinely harassed women in the workplace, and even attempted sabotage” by placing a sexual drawing into a box of the company’s products. [Herald-Sun]


  • He is being compensated for the very illness that tipped him over the edge. What’s seems to be the drama here?
    His work place “injury” and his subsequent criminality are surely separate issues??
    It’s not like a subsequent criminal conviction makes it impossible for someone to have been hard done by.
    Some more interesting info the major news outlets didn’t dig up can be found here and here.

  • […] Dunstan did eight years in prison for that, but his claim for workers compensation was reopened, and on Monday, an administrative appeals tribunal awarded him a year’s pay, deciding that while the ex-lover’s harassment wasn’t work-related, the company’s handling of his complaint aggravated an existing chronic depressive disorder.  (H/t to Overlawyered.)  […]