Food roundup

  • Why eating local isn’t necessarily good for the environment [Pierre Desrochers and Hiroko Shimizu, The Locavore’s Dilemma via David Boaz/Cato, BoingBoing]
  • “Can Behavioral Economics Combat Obesity?” [Michael Marlow and Sherzod Abdukadirov, Cato Regulation mag, PDF] Get cranberry juice out of the schools. Must we? [Scott Shackford]
  • Portland might deem you a subsidy-worthy “food desert” even if you’re six blocks from a Safeway [City Journal]
  • “Policemen eying giant iced-coffee I bought near 96th and Broadway. I’m imagining a future of ‘stop and sip.’ ‘Is that sweetened, sir?'” [Conor Friedersdorf]
  • Crise de foie: California’s ban on livers of overfed fowl results in evasion, coinage of word “duckeasy” [Nancy Friedman]
  • In defense of policy entrepreneur Rick Berman [David Henderson]
  • The federal definition of macaroni [Ryan Young, CEI]
  • How food safety regulation can kill [Baylen Linneken, Reason] We’ve got a nice little town here, don’t try to grow food in it [same] And the prolific Linnekin is guest-blogging at Radley Balko’s along with Ken and Patrick from Popehat, Maggie McNeill, and Chattanooga libertarian editorialist Drew Johnson.


  • Trade is synonymous with civilization. One can trace the rise of modern civilization with increased trade. Now we have a group of modern day environmental Luddites who want to take society back to the time of pre-civilization when humanity consists of groups of isolated communities all in the name of saving the planet. Shall we also go back to foraging in the woods and burning trees for fuel? These fanatical environmentalists are a bunch of fools.

  • These fanatical environmentalists only take us for fools.
    One of the worst uses of land is to build a large mansion on it surrounded by fertilized and manicured lawns. But just ask Al Gore to give up the keys to his swanky Pacific palace to move into an enviromentally sensitive straw shack, and check out his reaction.

  • […] has details here and here. More on California’s crise de foie: earlier, Ann Althouse, more. […]