Posts Tagged ‘medical malpractice’

Fall speaking schedule

I’ll be speaking this evening (Thurs. Sept. 30) in Baltimore as part of a dinner-hour panel discussion on medical malpractice reform sponsored by the Chesapeake Lawyers’ Chapter of the Federalist Society. Other events scheduled for this fall (sponsored by the Federalist Society unless otherwise specified):

* Mon. Oct. 11, Whittier Law School, Costa Mesa, Calif.

* Tues. Oct. 12, Chapman Law School, Orange, Calif. (lunch) and Trinity Law School, Santa Ana, Calif. (late afternoon)

* Thurs. Oct. 14, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, D.C., Legal Reform Summit, debating Bob Levy of Cato on federalism and litigation reform

* Wed. Nov. 10, Cato Institute, Washington, D.C., commenting on publication of Bob Levy’s new book Shakedown

* Fri., Nov. 12, Federalist Society National Lawyers Convention, Washington, D.C., panel discussion on regulation by litigation with (among others) former Mississippi Attorney General Michael Moore and Michigan Supreme Court Justice Robert Young, Jr.;

* week of Nov. 15 (exact date TBA), Fordham Law School, New York City.

To inquire about our availability for speaking engagements, email editor – at – [this-domain-name] for me or tedfrank – at – [this-domain-name] for Ted. now open

Point Of Law, the new site that the Manhattan Institute is launching with my assistance, has now opened its doors. There’s a lot to explore including a series of top-drawer reprints of great law review articles of the past. The center attraction, however, is a new weblog on which both Ted Frank and I will be posting, along with Jim Copland of the Manhattan Institute and some players to be named later. We’ve been putting up experimental posts for a couple of weeks now so there are dozens of them there now which have never appeared on this site; recent topics of discussion include the controversy over Judge Calabresi’s remarks at the American Constitution Society (posts by Jim Copland one, two); a report on the introduction of trial by jury into Japan; and tag-team coverage of New York Timesman Bob Herbert’s ineffably lame recent diatribes on medical malpractice (Frank, Copland, Olson).

Beyond that, we’ve enriched the site with selected highlights from the Overlawyered archives, including Ted’s must-save discussion of the Stella Liebeck versus McDonald’s hot coffee case. Many more features to come, and Prof. Bainbridge has already given the site a nice welcome, as have Prof. Grace, Prof. DeBow and “How Appealing”‘s Howard Bashman. Why don’t you give it a look/link now too?

P.S. In response to reader inquiries: no, I have no plans to scale back (let alone discontinue!) Overlawyered. PointOfLaw is separate and additional. (expanded and bumped 6/24).

Med mal: around the blogs

Not that this exactly qualifies as news, but Sen. Tom Daschle says things to pro-tort-reform constituents back home that are rather different from what he says in Washington, notices the South Dakota Politics blog (Apr. 4, Apr. 7). And the departure of a surgeon in MedPundit Sydney Smith’s home town, coinciding with a particularly obdurate sound bite from ATLA-admired Sen. Patrick Leahy, prompts her (Apr. 10) to give the Vermont Democrat an Open Secrets look-up (see also MedRants, Apr. 8, with comments section). Dr. Smith also notes (Apr. 6) that the med-mal crisis in famed Madison County, Ill., may play a role in the contemplated closure of Scott Air Force Base in Belleville.

Does tort reform affect insurance rates?

In my radio interview last week, I was asked about the Wisconsin Association of Trial Lawyers’ claim that tort reform measures have no effect on medical insurance rates. ATLA’s “fact sheet” on medical malpractice reform makes the same claim. A 2003 HHS compilation of studies on the matter, linked on our old medical page, refutes that proposition. (HHS, “Confronting the New Health Care Crisis”, Mar. 3, 2003 at Tables 6 and 7).

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