Posts Tagged ‘guestbloggers’

Guest Blogger This Week

Hello again!  Walter Olson has welcomed me back to help fill in while he’s away.  Don’t forget to check in at Overlawyered’s sister site, which also has a guest blogger this week.  I’ll hit some high points on joint & several liability, wrongful death and might even pick on John Edwards a bit.  You’re welcome to send along any story leads, with special encouragement for leads not picked up on by the national media–many of which come from your local paper or television station.

Guestblogging opportunities

August is traditionally a prime month for guestblogging opportunities at Overlawyered (as likewise at my other blog, Point of Law) and this year is no exception. One outstanding new volunteer has already stepped forward and will be joining us, but that leaves room for several more. It’s a short commitment (just a week or two) and makes a great way to try out blogging if you’ve never had a go at it, or interest a new set of readers in your blog if you’ve got one already. As always, past guestbloggers and hopeful newcomers are equally welcome to drop me a line: editor – [at] –

Social life of a blogger; guestblogger thanks

Off-topic: Commentary magazine, with which I go way back, and Alarming News threw a pleasant cocktail get-together for New York City political bloggers last night at a bar on Avenue A and 13th (around the corner from the first place I ever lived in New York). I met most of the attendees listed here, along with some others not listed including Fallen Sparrows and the mysterious proprietor of opera blog An Unamplified Voice.

Also, in case it was not clear, I’ve now completed the writing project for which I took the week off. Many thanks to Andrew Grossman (Heritage Foundation) and Jim Copland (Manhattan Institute) for filling in in my absence.

Guestbloggers on deck

I’ll be mostly absent for the next week because of a deadline, and I believe Ted may be tied up for the next couple of days as well. Fortunately, we’ve got two excellent guestblogger prospects on deck, so you’ll be well provided for in the mean time.

The asbestos litigation machine

Yesterday the Manhattan Institute released a new report by my colleague Jim Copland, “Trial Lawyers Inc. — Asbestos“. As I note at Point of Law, even as a longtime observer of asbestos litigation I found it quite an eye-opener. I’m happy to announce that Jim Copland will be joining us tomorrow for a guestblogging stint to explain some of his findings.

Guestblogger thanks

Thanks to Jason Barney, from the Seattle area, for filling in while I met a deadline. Remember, if you’re interested in guestblogging, that it’s fine to approach us well in advance; we’ll probably need some help before and during the holidays, for example.

Guestblogging opening

Ted and I both have onerous deadlines to meet over the next two weeks, so we’ve got an opening for a guestblogger or two who might like to drop by for a week’s stint. Those who’ve guested before are welcome to consider a return engagement, too. Contact editor – [at] – this domain name.