Free Congress: McConnell v. McGuiness

Is litigation weakening American Culture? Kevin McGuiness says no (see update) but Senator Mitch McConnell says yes. (Via Southern Appeal) Update: The McGuiness piece isn’t inconsistent with the idea that something needs to be reformed about litigation, but it does seem (at least to me) much friendlier about litigation, and the overhauls that McGuiness proposes […]

Is litigation weakening American Culture? Kevin McGuiness says no (see update) but Senator Mitch McConnell says yes. (Via Southern Appeal)

Update: The McGuiness piece isn’t inconsistent with the idea that something needs to be reformed about litigation, but it does seem (at least to me) much friendlier about litigation, and the overhauls that McGuiness proposes seem less fundamental than those Senator McConnell suggests, and his piece spends more time talking about fixing the system and less talking about what’s wrong with it entirely. But it’s wrong of me to try to cast them as inhabiting opposite sides of the litigation coin.

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