Ladies Man

Col. Kassem Saleh has apparently been making himself a little too popular with the ladies. It’s a fascinating question of whether one can get in trouble for “just talking” if one didn’t actually engage in any harassment at all. Indeed, the women seem to be complaining that they wanted more Saleh, not less.

Update: If the above is a little unclear, I don’t mean to imply that Saleh is being charged with harassment. But what’s intriguing about this case is that Saleh is getting in trouble pretty much for the content of his emails, even though the things he said to the women didn’t upset him, it was the sense of abandonment they had later.
This isn’t an unheard-of legal theory (though I’m no expert in common-law marriage, breach of promise to marry, or the tort of seduction), especially since it’s a “conduct unbecoming of an officer” charge. So it isn’t precisely an example of litigation gone rampant in our society, but it does seem to be pushing just a bit against the bounds of comfort.

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