New batch of reader letters (and new letters format)

We’ve now launched a new letters page for based on a weblog format. We hope this will enable us to be more diligent in posting readers’ letters. We’ve started off with four letters, on the following topics: David Giacalone disagrees with Gene Healy on the fairness of using “imputed income” in computing child support […]

We’ve now launched a new letters page for based on a weblog format. We hope this will enable us to be more diligent in posting readers’ letters. We’ve started off with four letters, on the following topics: David Giacalone disagrees with Gene Healy on the fairness of using “imputed income” in computing child support obligations; Gulf War Syndrome and who, if anyone, should pay for it; how to succeed as a student with a little help from a disability designation; and why the liability crisis is now reaching NYC midwives.

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