“Man Ordered to Speak English to Daughter”

Nebraska: “A Hispanic man who spoke to his 5-year-old daughter in Spanish has been ordered to use primarily English around the girl as a condition of his visitation rights.” Ruling on a request by the mother, a Sarpy County judge decreed that Eloy Amador should “primarily” use English when conversing with his daughter, although it […]

Nebraska: “A Hispanic man who spoke to his 5-year-old daughter in Spanish has been ordered to use primarily English around the girl as a condition of his visitation rights.” Ruling on a request by the mother, a Sarpy County judge decreed that Eloy Amador should “primarily” use English when conversing with his daughter, although it was all right to switch to Spanish for purposes of instructing her in the use of that language. (Jean Ortiz, AP/Las Vegas Sun, Oct. 14). More: Jim Boulet at NR Corner comments on the ruling and provides this link to a very curious 1995 court decision from Amarillo, Tex. in which a “judge overseeing a child-custody case told a Mexican native that speaking only Spanish at home constituted abuse of her 5-year old daughter. ”

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