Newsweek query (updated)

[Revised and updated, see below] Newsweek magazine is preparing a special feature on fear of litigation, and although we’ve been working with their writers for a while on it, they asked to hear directly from readers like you if you can offer personal examples from your own experience of how you’ve changed the way you […]

[Revised and updated, see below] Newsweek magazine is preparing a special feature on fear of litigation, and although we’ve been working with their writers for a while on it, they asked to hear directly from readers like you if you can offer personal examples from your own experience of how you’ve changed the way you do business, go to school, pursue recreation, etc. because of your or someone else’s fear of being sued. [Update 1 p.m. EST Wed. — Newsweek’s writer tells us that this notice has elicited enough of the sort of the material she requested, so we are taking down the contact info. Thanks to our readers, including those who cc’d us on their correspondence]

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    From the blog: “Newsweek magazine is preparing a special feature on fear of litigation, and although we’ve been working with