Updates (blog division)

Our Oct. 28 entry, “Slower saint-making”, about how fear of being sued has slowed down efforts to advance Australia’s Mary MacKillop toward canonization in the Catholic church, has been mentioned on numerous sites and is featured in the latest Carnival of the Capitalists, which rounds up noteworthy business and economic posts. Economic commentator Donald Luskin […]

Our Oct. 28 entry, “Slower saint-making”, about how fear of being sued has slowed down efforts to advance Australia’s Mary MacKillop toward canonization in the Catholic church, has been mentioned on numerous sites and is featured in the latest Carnival of the Capitalists, which rounds up noteworthy business and economic posts. Economic commentator Donald Luskin has withdrawn his speech-chilling demand letter (see Oct. 30) and has issued a curiously worded joint statement with anonyblogger Atrios attributing their dispute to “a series of misunderstandings” and putting it behind them (Kevin Drum, Nov. 4). And Curmudgeonly Clerk (Nov. 2, Nov. 3, Nov. 5) has made himself the one-stop source for information on the seedy saga (see Oct. 31) of how a British reality TV crew organized male contestants to go on camera vying for the affections of “Miriam”, a curvaceous gal who turned out not to be a gal at all, with results that are pregnant at least legally. Update May 26: cases settled.

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