Unanimity by way of professional solidarity?

Encountering the winds of adverse opinion at a Texas law school: “Previously, I had nearly been lynched at a happy hour by the editors of my former [law] journal for expressing support for Proposition 12, permitting limits on civil damages. ‘Even if you want to do defense work, you should be against it because fewer […]

Encountering the winds of adverse opinion at a Texas law school: “Previously, I had nearly been lynched at a happy hour by the editors of my former [law] journal for expressing support for Proposition 12, permitting limits on civil damages. ‘Even if you want to do defense work, you should be against it because fewer lawsuits means fewer hours billed defending them!’ My suggestion that one might support a law based on the public good rather than naked self interest was met with blank stares.” — law student blogger SlitheryD, Apr. 12.

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