“Lawsuits target alcohol industry”

Plaintiffs’ attorneys “across the nation have begun to target the alcoholic beverage industry.” The press coverage largely ignores the issue of consumer choice and personal responsibility. (Richard Willing, USA Today, May 13; Steve Raabe, “Alcohol lawsuits target ads”, Denver Post, May 12).

Plaintiffs’ attorneys “across the nation have begun to target the alcoholic beverage industry.” The press coverage largely ignores the issue of consumer choice and personal responsibility. (Richard Willing, USA Today, May 13; Steve Raabe, “Alcohol lawsuits target ads”, Denver Post, May 12).

One Comment

  • Stick the fork in and be done with it.

    There are some days that I think we’re doomed. That as a society we’ve passed the point of no return and it’s all downhill from here. It might take a decade or five before someone actually gets around to sticking the fork in, but it&#…