Academic notes

U. of Wisconsin law professor (and blogger) Ann Althouse is not exactly impressed by Judge Guido Calabresi’s apology for his ACS remarks: “You’d think someone who makes principles of democracy central to his legal argument wouldn’t stop at saying his argument is complicated and academic.” Her earlier post on this subject is also worth reading, […]

U. of Wisconsin law professor (and blogger) Ann Althouse is not exactly impressed by Judge Guido Calabresi’s apology for his ACS remarks: “You’d think someone who makes principles of democracy central to his legal argument wouldn’t stop at saying his argument is complicated and academic.” Her earlier post on this subject is also worth reading, as is Point of Law’s treatment.

The July-August issue of Legal Affairs magazine includes a debate on the question of American courts’ use of foreign law, featuring Judge Richard Posner (advising against) and Georgetown law professor Vicki Jackson (making the case in favor).

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