New York Times on medical malpractice

Yesterday the Times published an article on medical malpractice insurance that’s has been getting a fair bit of attention. I thought the article had serious shortcomings and just posted a lengthy explanation of why on Point of Law, with more posting probably to come. (Feb. 23; see also Feb. 22). More: And Ted has a […]

Yesterday the Times published an article on medical malpractice insurance that’s has been getting a fair bit of attention. I thought the article had serious shortcomings and just posted a lengthy explanation of why on Point of Law, with more posting probably to come. (Feb. 23; see also Feb. 22). More: And Ted has a semi-satirical treatment of the issue just up at Point of Law, inaugurating a new “Column” section there.

On a different note, my flu seems to have had a relapse, so I may skip posting for a while. (Update 4:20 p.m.: doing a lot better after resting for a few hours.)

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