“Doctor fights, wins; lawyers aren’t swayed”

Dr. Zev Maycon has been sued four times in three years; he’s been dismissed before trial each time, but has missed weeks of work as a result, to the detriment of his patients. The only time he’s been able to recover his expenses for these meritless lawsuits is the one time an attorney was impolitic […]

Dr. Zev Maycon has been sued four times in three years; he’s been dismissed before trial each time, but has missed weeks of work as a result, to the detriment of his patients. The only time he’s been able to recover his expenses for these meritless lawsuits is the one time an attorney was impolitic enough to acknowledge the lack of evidence and explicitly demand settlement money as a precondition for dropping the suit. Though none of the press mentions it, a meritless suit in Ohio state court isn’t considered “frivolous” unless there’s evidence that it’s brought in bad faith. The sanctioned attorney, Catherine Little, is appealing, the costs of which may end up exceeding the $6,000 sanctions if the appeal isn’t also considered frivolous. (Tracy Wheeler, Akron Beacon-Journal, Mar. 14; Medpundit, Mar. 13; OSMA press release).

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