Falls off his mountain bike

By reader acclaim, from Canada: A mountain biker who launched a million-dollar lawsuit after falling off his bike has lit a fire under Collingwood area bike enthusiasts who fear the suit will close their trails. James Leone is suing the Toronto Outing Club and its Kolapore Uplands Wilderness Ski Trails Committee as well as the […]

By reader acclaim, from Canada:

A mountain biker who launched a million-dollar lawsuit after falling off his bike has lit a fire under Collingwood area bike enthusiasts who fear the suit will close their trails. James Leone is suing the Toronto Outing Club and its Kolapore Uplands Wilderness Ski Trails Committee as well as the Town of The Blue Mountains, the Grey-Bruce Trails Network and the province for an accident he had while mountain biking last August.

The 31-year-old personal injury lawyer from Toronto claims he suffered fractured vertebrae and several soft-tissue injuries when his bicycle came to an abrupt stop after hitting a hole in the trail, sending him over the handlebars.

A trail specialist with the International Mountain Bike Association, Laura Woolner, said the case could have an “enormous impact on non-profit clubs” because of the need to buy expensive insurance: “Essentially it could shut them down,” she said. (Tracy McLaughlin, “Lawsuit a threat to trails”, Toronto Sun, Apr. 17). Fark has a long, disrespectful thread. More: the hazards of mountain biking also figured in Ted’s Mar. 29 entry.

One Comment

  • Lawyers – don’t leave home without one

    Particularly if you fall off your bike. Overlawyered refers us to the case of a Canadian lawyer who came a cropper while mountain biking and is seeking recompense. The fact that he is litigating may be considered bad form, but