TrackBack mostly suspended

Until early this year, TrackBack spam was not a problem for this site. Now it’s risen in volume to hundreds per day, outrunning the willingness of our hosting service, Verio, to support the resulting burdens on its servers. As part of the steps needed to resolve yesterday’s technical crisis, we’ve unfortunately had to disable TrackBack for older posts site-wide. We hope to make an exception for some new posts, but even on those it will probably stay open for no more than a few days.

It may be hoped that eventual improvements to Movable Type will admit the legitimate TrackBacks while screening out the rest, bringing us closer to that day when the drug sites cease from spamming and the hold’ems ping no more. In the mean time, Technorati (when operational) remains a reasonably current way of seeing who’s been discussing our posts, and site owners that link to our posts should consider dropping us a contemporaneous email to let us know (editor at [this-domain-name] or tedfrank at [this-domain-name]), which affords us the clearest shot at installing a manual linkback should we decide to go that route.


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