“Katrina as the feds’ Enron”

“The common complaint [by Republicans] is that the president has let the lawyers take over,” reports columnist Robert Novak (“Lawyers vs. Katrina”, syndicated/TownHall, Sept. 8). In all fairness, if that’s the common complaint, it would seem to be a little broad-brush, since NYC mayor Giuliani, whose disaster-response leadership passes as the gold standard, was a […]

“The common complaint [by Republicans] is that the president has let the lawyers take over,” reports columnist Robert Novak (“Lawyers vs. Katrina”, syndicated/TownHall, Sept. 8). In all fairness, if that’s the common complaint, it would seem to be a little broad-brush, since NYC mayor Giuliani, whose disaster-response leadership passes as the gold standard, was a lawyer too. Meanwhile, Larry Ribstein (Sept. 6) says federal officials are lucky they don’t have to live by the standards they prescribe for private business on such matters as “internal controls” and security planning.

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