Balloon victim won’t sue

She’s from Albany, not New York City, which may possibly be one reason Sarah Chamberlain and her family have no plans to file suit over the accident at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. One of the giant balloons hit a lamppost and brought debris raining down on Sarah, who needed nine stitches to her head, […]

She’s from Albany, not New York City, which may possibly be one reason Sarah Chamberlain and her family have no plans to file suit over the accident at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. One of the giant balloons hit a lamppost and brought debris raining down on Sarah, who needed nine stitches to her head, as well as her disabled sister Mary, who wasn’t seriously hurt:

Sarah and Mary’s father, Stephen Chamberlain, staff director for the Public Employees Federation, said the family has no intention of taking Macy’s or the city to court.

“To me, the lawsuit-lottery stuff is almost dishonest,” he said. “This was an accident. We’re just very thankful no one was seriously injured.”

(Joe Mahoney, Celeste Katz and Tracy Connor, “Her spirits are sky high”, New York Daily News, Nov. 26). “Miracle on 34th St.”, one columnist calls the family’s lack of litigiousness (Arnold Ahlert, New York Post, Nov. 28).

More: “The father’s words should be inscribed on a plaque and affixed to the base of the pole, memorializing a place in the city where a mishap occurred and nobody went to court,” writes Daily News columnist Michael Daly, who quotes a subway ad and website which dangle enticing dollar sums in front of potential litigants. “‘Between the two of them [Sarah and her sister] you could hit a million dollars,’ one noted attorney said yesterday.” (“Greed didn’t suit him”, Nov. 27). And CBS Early Show commentator Harry Smith calls Mr. Chamberlain’s attitude “heroic and refreshing” (“Accidents Happen”, Nov. 28).


  • There is reason to continue to have hope that honesty still exists today.

  • Anybody have any contact info for the family? I would like to send them my thanks and encouragement.

  • I wonder what sort of pressure the family is under from attorneys trying to persuade them to file a suit?

  • the Chamberlain Family: famous for not suing

    Just yesterday at Blawg Review #34 , Phosita ‘s Doug Sorocco revealed that

  • I’m not sure I would rejoice until the children grow up and let the statute of limitations lapse.
