Rhode Island lead paint retrial

The state’s public nuisance action against companies that long ago sold lead paint for interior use, the only such lawsuit filed by a state government, ended in a mistrial three years ago: see Oct. 30-31, 2002. Now it’s come to retrial in a Providence courtroom, with huge potential stakes. (Eric Tucker, “Landmark lawsuit against lead […]

The state’s public nuisance action against companies that long ago sold lead paint for interior use, the only such lawsuit filed by a state government, ended in a mistrial three years ago: see Oct. 30-31, 2002. Now it’s come to retrial in a Providence courtroom, with huge potential stakes. (Eric Tucker, “Landmark lawsuit against lead paint industry to return to court”, AP/Boston Globe, Oct. 16; “New lead paint trial set in Rhode Island”, UPI/Science Daily, Oct. 17.) Speechwriter/blogger Jane Genova is blogging it live from the scene, with first posts here and here. DuPont paid this summer to be let out of the case: see Jul. 2. On the politics behind the suit, see Jun. 7 and Jun. 8-10, 2001.


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