“Andi the Ohio Police Dog Named In Lawsuit”

A lawsuit by a convicted drug dealer in Athens County, Ohio, demanding $450,000, names police investigators, the county sheriff, the trial judge who ruled in the case and also Andi, the police dog who helped in the raid. “That dog could’ve done something to me or one of my attendants,” said Wayne Francis Green, 46, […]

A lawsuit by a convicted drug dealer in Athens County, Ohio, demanding $450,000, names police investigators, the county sheriff, the trial judge who ruled in the case and also Andi, the police dog who helped in the raid. “That dog could’ve done something to me or one of my attendants,” said Wayne Francis Green, 46, who said “that he felt endangered by Andi’s presence….With a paw print, the dog ‘signed’ the paper indicating he had been formally served with the complaint.” (AP/San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 14).


  • Man sues dog

    Yes, it had to happen: a man has named a police dog in a lawsuit. Woof! (Thanks to the marvellous Overlawyed blog for the story)….

  • IANAL. Anyone can file a suit and serve the associated complaint, right? Is there any reason to think the court will take this complain seriously?

  • Dog as defendant? The animal law advocates should be pleased that our legal system may now recogniz that animals can be parties in litigation.