Overlawyered Italy

Gadfly Signor Cascioli has engaged in three years of litigation against local priest Father Enrico Righi on the grounds that Christianity violates Italy’s version of consumer fraud laws. A court of appeal reinstated the suit after the trial court threw it out. (Richard Owen, “Prove Christ exists, judge orders priest”, The Times, Jan. 3; Phil […]

Gadfly Signor Cascioli has engaged in three years of litigation against local priest Father Enrico Righi on the grounds that Christianity violates Italy’s version of consumer fraud laws. A court of appeal reinstated the suit after the trial court threw it out. (Richard Owen, “Prove Christ exists, judge orders priest”, The Times, Jan. 3; Phil Stewart, “Did Jesus exist? Italian court to decide”, Reuters, Jan. 3) (via Bashman). Update Feb. 11: case thrown out again.


  • Dear Lord! This can only support my petition to remove ‘equal’ status from idiots, as the status of ‘equal’ as given to idiots does constitute false and misleading information that can potentially endanger ones health/sanity. I demand they be labeled!

  • What an intriguing possibility… can we sue Dimwits like this under intentional infliction of emotional distress? I just hurled my miniature dachshund across the room in a fit of pique.