“Fen-Phen case nets another guilty plea”

The latest defendant to plead guilty in the Mississippi scandal is a paralegal with a Jackson law firm who filed a claim for alleged side effects from the fen-phen drug combination although she’d never taken either of the drugs. (Jimmie E. Gates, Jackson Clarion-Ledger, Feb. 7). See Feb. 12 and Apr. 6, 2005, etc.

The latest defendant to plead guilty in the Mississippi scandal is a paralegal with a Jackson law firm who filed a claim for alleged side effects from the fen-phen drug combination although she’d never taken either of the drugs. (Jimmie E. Gates, Jackson Clarion-Ledger, Feb. 7). See Feb. 12 and Apr. 6, 2005, etc.


  • I’m one of the actual users of Fen-Fen, that was contacted by the attorney’s to become part of the suit. Many years latter, I’m still waiting to be paid for my echocardiogram and other monies. The latest excuse is that they need ME to contact the drug stores where I purchased the medications to verify that I actually got it. This was supposedly done 6 years ago by the law offices. But now to avoid once again paying legimate expenses, they have come up with this ruse.

  • who was your attorney on the suit?