TiVo’s triumph

The greatest accomplishment of 41-year-old TiVo general counsel Matthew Zinn? It’s that his nine-year-old company hasn’t yet “been sued out of existence.” (Petra Pasternak, “TiVo Against the Giants”, The Recorder/Law.com, Mar. 15).

The greatest accomplishment of 41-year-old TiVo general counsel Matthew Zinn? It’s that his nine-year-old company hasn’t yet “been sued out of existence.” (Petra Pasternak, “TiVo Against the Giants”, The Recorder/Law.com, Mar. 15).

One Comment

  • Nice to hear about one of the good guys for once! I was considering starting a company in my industry, but lawsuit protection loomed as the largest and most undefined cost. Makes a good case for always working for someone else as an employee (and renting an apartment).