ABC “PrimeTime” on false confessions

“If you still think you would never confess to a crime you didn’t commit, listen to this.” Georgia Criminal Law Blog has a summary of the show (Mar. 31)(via Cernovich). Only seven states require that the full course of a police interrogation be taped in order to better evaluate the credibility of a confession; with […]

“If you still think you would never confess to a crime you didn’t commit, listen to this.” Georgia Criminal Law Blog has a summary of the show (Mar. 31)(via Cernovich). Only seven states require that the full course of a police interrogation be taped in order to better evaluate the credibility of a confession; with the cost of such recording technology dropping ever closer to zero, it’s hard to see the case against a full-taping policy.

One Comment

  • With taping, there would be evidence of substandard, negligent confessin’ coercion, where one can get a rocket scientist to admit there is indeed a flying Santa Claus (no relation).