Dollar value of being sexually harassed

Well, it depends. If your employer is, say, a locally owned dry cleaner, it’s unlikely to reach more than five or six figures. If on the other hand, you work for the world’s most successful automaker, you can claim $190 million (“Toyota hit with $190M harassment suit”, Reuters/CNN, May 2). LaborProf Paul Secunda finds the […]

Well, it depends. If your employer is, say, a locally owned dry cleaner, it’s unlikely to reach more than five or six figures. If on the other hand, you work for the world’s most successful automaker, you can claim $190 million (“Toyota hit with $190M harassment suit”, Reuters/CNN, May 2). LaborProf Paul Secunda finds the number troubling (May 8). Lattman has more (May 9).


  • Has anyone considered that perhaps paying someone more for being sexually harassed than one would pay their estate if they were KILLED is adding a “perverse incentive” to the system?!?!?

  • While not excusing boorish behavior, I hold this up as an example of the way in which the increasingly diverse workplace ISN’T such a model of efficiency and productivity. Aren’t there cultural differences (Japanese v. Western)here, too, that are being subjected to American legal standards? An expert on Japanese law should fill us in on how far this lawsuit would go in Japan.