Jack Thompson being risible faster than we can post about it

Overlawyered favorite Jack Thompson (Jun. 9, Apr. 14, ad infinitum) is perturbed that his publishing house, Tyndale House, is licensing a video game based on the Left Behind books. Thompson is especially upset that the game will offer players the option to take the role of the anti-Christ. He’s certainly entitled to break off his […]

Overlawyered favorite Jack Thompson (Jun. 9, Apr. 14, ad infinitum) is perturbed that his publishing house, Tyndale House, is licensing a video game based on the Left Behind books. Thompson is especially upset that the game will offer players the option to take the role of the anti-Christ. He’s certainly entitled to break off his publishing relationship (doing so shows admirable consistency) and attempt to enlist others in a boycott, but his threat to take “legal action” on grounds of unspecified “tortious conduct” seems questionable. (via Rickey)

One Comment

  • I just love the comment in Thompson’s letter, “Do you think drug pushers are responsible for their behavior?”

    We’re all responsible for our behavior. There are people selling crack and smack about five blocks from where I live (the border of “the hood”). I could easily get them, but I don’t. Why? Because I don’t think I’d be very productive high, and I don’t want to chance getting addicted. That said, all drug use is not abuse, just like some people eat themselves into obese oblivion, and others, like me, have half a doughnut every morning, and throw out, save, or give the other half to somebody homeless. Wow…self-control, what an amazing concept. Let’s decriminalize drugs and prostitution, and speak out against idiocy like Thompson’s.

    I’m no lefty (in fact, I’m a staunch fiscal conservative, against government support of NPR and against paying for anybody’s children but the very poor to be schooled), but how come being a Republican is now so frequently associated with a panic to remove the rights of the rest of us…along with a primitive adherence to religion that requires stopping scientific research that could benefit religious primitives and more modern, proof-based thinkers alike?