It seems the Association of Trial Lawyers of America wants to change its name (John Harwood, WSJ “Washington Wire”, Jun. 27; via Lattman).

It seems the Association of Trial Lawyers of America wants to change its name (John Harwood, WSJ “Washington Wire”, Jun. 27; via Lattman).


  • Too bad Justice League of America is already taken.

  • Liberty and Justice for ATLA has a nice ring to it.

  • They can use, Land Pirates of America. I promise to not sue for copyright infringement. This is a gift. No consideration is needed.

  • If the conduct of trial lawyers gave ATLA a bad reputation, the same conduct by the same lawyers will give the same organization the same bad reputation whatever name they give it.

  • A Trial Lawyer by any other name…

    The American Trial Lawyers Association can come up with whatever new name they want, but there’s an old country saying that really applies
    here: you can’t polish a cow pie. Even if ATLA changes its name to the New Hari Krishna’s, it’s still going to be a small, special interest group of very wealthy lawyers who’s continued failure to police their own ranks has made a mockery of our justice system, raised prices on everything we buy, and jeopardized health care and jobs for countless Americans. Maybe instead of investing a lot of money in a PR spin campaign, they can invest in weeding out the bad lawyers within their ranks who abuse our legal system for greed instead of justice and give all personal injury lawyers a bad name.