prosecution, cont’d

The arrest of company CEO David Carruthers while changing planes in Dallas, writes Jacob Sullum, “is part of a larger attempt by the U.S. government to impose its brand of repressive paternalism on countries with more tolerant policies.” (syndicated/, Jul. 26)(earlier coverage, Jul. 20 here and here). More on online gambling, and bans on promoting […]

The arrest of company CEO David Carruthers while changing planes in Dallas, writes Jacob Sullum, “is part of a larger attempt by the U.S. government to impose its brand of repressive paternalism on countries with more tolerant policies.” (syndicated/, Jul. 26)(earlier coverage, Jul. 20 here and here). More on online gambling, and bans on promoting it: Steve Chapman, “Who’s Afraid of Online Gambling?”, Chicago Tribune/Real Clear Politics, Jul. 23; Walter Williams, “Truly disgusting”, syndicated/Jewish World Review, Jul. 26.


  • I don’t really see the problem here – if you break a US law, then why shouldn’t you expect to be arrested if you are foolish enough to come to the US?

  • Bob, the first question is, how does the US have jurisdiction over acts committed outside the US?

  • Bob,

    To play devils advocate, that would mean that most members of the media (or at least most photo-journalists) in this country would be arrested the moment they step foot into almost any Islamic country, as posting a photo of a woman clad in anything “immodest” is gnerally considered a crime in those countries (and most of what women wear in this country would classify as “immodest”).

    That’s the standard you are suggesting…

    Not sayig whether that’s the correct standard or not, just making sure you realize the full implications.