Archive for September, 2006

American Hunters and Shooters Association

The New Republic, like the Washington Monthly before it, is hyping this newly hatched groupuscule which aims to woo gun owners into an anti-NRA coalition. Trouble is, it’s a bit of an uphill slog convincing people you’re all for private gun ownership when your executive director played an active role on the plaintiff’s side in the lawsuit campaign against the firearms industry (see Jun. 29). (Michael Blanding, “Gun crazy”, The New Republic, Sept. 4). Cam Edwards has the details (Aug. 30).

Dissent on global warming? See ya in court

“For no apparent reason, the state of California, Environmental Defense, and the Natural Resources Defense Council have dragged [MIT’s Alfred P. Sloan professor of meteorology Richard] Lindzen and about 15 other global- warming skeptics into a lawsuit over auto- emissions standards. California et al. have asked the auto companies to cough up any and all communications they have had with Lindzen and his colleagues, whose research has been cited in court documents.” (Alex Beam, “MIT’s inconvenient scientist”, Boston Globe, Aug. 30).