“BlackBerry addiction”: the hype continues

Notwithstanding our repeated debunking efforts (Aug. 25, Sept. 18) the U.K.’s Independent can still approach this story as if born yesterday. (Sophie Goodchild and Martin Hodgson, “CrackBerry addicts: Why the workers who can’t switch off are suing their employers”, Oct. 1).

Notwithstanding our repeated debunking efforts (Aug. 25, Sept. 18) the U.K.’s Independent can still approach this story as if born yesterday. (Sophie Goodchild and Martin Hodgson, “CrackBerry addicts: Why the workers who can’t switch off are suing their employers”, Oct. 1).


  • It seems we merely need to clarify the difference between an addiction and compulsion. Additiction is the psychologic need combined often with the presence of physiologic response to abstinence. These folks are merely workaholics (not a real psych diagnosis, but merely a trait or behavior). They feel the need to be constantly vigilant lest they loose their jobs or fail to advance. This is a normal feeling felt by anyone with an ounce of desire to better one’s self. The problem is these fools are blaming a simple electronic device for all their woes rather than using a bit of introspection to recognize their deep seated unhappiness comes from within and is in response to a career choice that might not be so healthy to their psyche. But then there’s no money in that conclusion, nor does any patient want to acknowledge that it all stems from their own mind.

  • I’m addicted to my Q and my BlackBerry… I only plan on suing if one of them fails. lol.