Runaway bride wants $500K

Jennifer Wilbanks made worldwide headlines by disappearing, then concocting a bogus abduction story to get out of her engagement to Georgia fiance John Mason; now she wants punitive damages from him for not sharing the proceeds from selling the story, among other offenses. (“‘Runaway Bride’ Sues Ex For $500,000”, AP/CBS, Oct. 10; Lat, Oct. 11)(via […]

Jennifer Wilbanks made worldwide headlines by disappearing, then concocting a bogus abduction story to get out of her engagement to Georgia fiance John Mason; now she wants punitive damages from him for not sharing the proceeds from selling the story, among other offenses. (“‘Runaway Bride’ Sues Ex For $500,000”, AP/CBS, Oct. 10; Lat, Oct. 11)(via Althouse).


  • Ya know, if she really DOES disappear through foul play, no one will look for her this time. She’d better hope Mason isn’t smart enough to figure that out.

  • She should, instead of extorting money out of Mason, be held personalably responsible for the entire cost of the search and rescue operations mounted to find her.
    And that includes all law enforcement staff, helicopters, news people (heck, let them get a free ride for a change, they came for a scam too), etc. etc.
    Let’s see how she responds when held responsible for her acts.

  • Isn’t filing a false police report a crime? Wouldn’t that would make receiving money from selling the story profiting from a crime?

  • If receiving money from selling the story is a crime, CNN is criminal. They sell dirty laundry 24/7.

    I think in certain criminal cases the judge restricts the criminal from receiving personal proceeds related to his/her telling.