Tradeable permits for sinful foods?

Policy wonkery meets health nannyhood in a truly daft proposal from the David-Cameron-led Tories in the UK, a commission of which has deemed cakes and ale (at least in excess) to be “social pollutants”. One searches in vain for the “April Fool’s” giveaway tag. (Patrick Hosking, “Tories plan strict quotas for makers of fatty foods”, […]

Policy wonkery meets health nannyhood in a truly daft proposal from the David-Cameron-led Tories in the UK, a commission of which has deemed cakes and ale (at least in excess) to be “social pollutants”. One searches in vain for the “April Fool’s” giveaway tag. (Patrick Hosking, “Tories plan strict quotas for makers of fatty foods”, Times Online, Jan. 19) (via NRO “The Corner”).


  • Recently, I was able to take the same data for which the government and AHA condemn cholesterol and use it in Federal Court(as an expert witness) to successfully argue that there is no association between cholesterol and heart attacks. Thus this obsession with cholesterol that government has recently developed is so much bunk. If there is an association, it is minimal as the data does not support a great increase in cardiac events over 10 years. This emphasis on low cholesterol has led to a world wide concern and adjustment in diet proportions so that people now receive more carbohydrates and less fat. A higher fat diet is actually better on the body. This coupled with a lack of exercise has led to the massive obesity we now have. The lack of exercise likely has the greatest proportionate cause.

  • “This coupled with a lack of exercise has led to the massive obesity we now have. The lack of exercise likely has the greatest proportionate cause.”

    Be quiet!

    This is an area for lawyers NOT for those that actually know something about human health!