Breathalyzers-for-everyone, again

This time the awful idea of installing alcohol sensors in everyone’s car has surfaced in Pennsylvania, and in worse form than ever: cars would refuse to start even when a driver’s blood alcohol level was much below the legal maximum. (Radley Balko, Reason “Hit and Run”, Mar. 27). Earlier: May 28, 2006 (New York).

This time the awful idea of installing alcohol sensors in everyone’s car has surfaced in Pennsylvania, and in worse form than ever: cars would refuse to start even when a driver’s blood alcohol level was much below the legal maximum. (Radley Balko, Reason “Hit and Run”, Mar. 27). Earlier: May 28, 2006 (New York).


  • I think this is a wonderful idea. Lets do a trial run to see how it goes. Put it on all the legislator’s and the governor’s cars. And their spouses.

  • Ineffective and stupid. Sounds like europe!

  • Ah, yes… saving lives by not letting them go anywhere… like to the hospital when there is someone dying in their back seat.

    Th sad part is that the only people for whom we MIGHT be able to justify this just defeat them (the drunk who holds one of his children in his lap to blow in the tube, for instance).

  • We should do the same for guns…and computers…let’s put an end to drunken emailing and blogging too (as I take another shot and ponder the demise of the land pirate)

    This is crazy. Why should all drivers be punished for the irresponsible behaviors of others?

  • Bill – I love it!

    I promise you that if this somehow because law, the ‘governing elite’ will own cars that don’t have these sensors.

  • Wouldn’t work Bill the Governor of Pennsylvania has a State Cop as his driver. He already violates the speed limit on a regular basis.

  • A not too far fetched scenario: A family driving to a vacation destination gets stranded at a road-side fast-food joint because they had buns with their burgers. Now that’s a lawsuit waiting to happen! (Mental anguish, lost room from being late, loitering charges, and who knows what else.)

  • Make sure you don’t use any kind of antiseptic spray anytime you plan on driving any time soon – I had a friend whose mother had to fight a DWI over that.