Oz: railway slip-fall blamed for rape

Reasonable foreseeability? “A woman has won nearly $240,000 compensation from RailCorp after a judge ruled she was raped because she had broken her ankle weeks earlier at a Sydney railway station. RailCorp was found responsible for the woman’s rape at a private home, because she could not escape with her leg in plaster, and for […]

Reasonable foreseeability? “A woman has won nearly $240,000 compensation from RailCorp after a judge ruled she was raped because she had broken her ankle weeks earlier at a Sydney railway station. RailCorp was found responsible for the woman’s rape at a private home, because she could not escape with her leg in plaster, and for her subsequent depression.” (Geesche Jacobsen, “A fall, a rape – and $240,000”, Sydney Morning Herald, Apr. 26).


  • Perhaps the defense should argue that because she was incapacitated at home she was never hit by a bus, mugged on the way to work, or succumbed to skin cancer 30 years from now, and thus she owes them a million dollars for that favor; maybe they can just call it even.

  • And if she had successfully defended herself by beating the attacker with her crutches, then he would be suing the railroad…