Basset hound ban?

“Dog breeders have warned that some of Britain’s best-loved breeds including dachshunds, bulldogs and basset hounds could disappear because of new and potentially far-reaching government animal-welfare measures.” Animal welfare groups have campaigned against the breeding of pedigreed animals, saying the pursuit of distinctive characteristics such as head size in bulldogs often comes at the expense of the animal’s health. A controversial Europe-wide treaty on animal breeding would translate the idea into law. “Dog breeders fear that the treaty’s terms are so broad that it would effectively forbid the breeding of distinctive types of dog because their defining characteristics could be seen as risking their welfare. According to the Scottish Kennel Club, ratifying the treaty would mean that anywhere between 30 and 40 breeds would effectively be outlawed.” The director of Edinburgh-based Advocates for Animals calls the argument “scaremongering nonsense”. (James Kirkup, “Euro rules ‘could outlaw 40 dog breeds'”, The Scotsman, Apr. 30).


  • As long as the ban includes Chihuahuas, I’m cool with it.

  • It has become increasingly clear that passing on ones “stupid genes” is harmful to future generations of humans. If you want to ban dachshunds, you should not be allowed to breed. đŸ™‚

  • “scaremongering nonsense”

    Yeah, just like the previous “scaremongering nonsense” issues that have TOTALLY not come to pass… oh, wait.