Thimerosal trials begin

The quack theory that thimerosal causes autism is getting a hearing in trials in Federal Claims Court in June, with the possibility of bankrupting the vaccine compensation program, and substantially hurting public health as a consequence. Slate has coverage, but underplays the role of plaintiffs’ lawyers in the bogus activism. Trial lawyers looking for a […]

The quack theory that thimerosal causes autism is getting a hearing in trials in Federal Claims Court in June, with the possibility of bankrupting the vaccine compensation program, and substantially hurting public health as a consequence. Slate has coverage, but underplays the role of plaintiffs’ lawyers in the bogus activism. Trial lawyers looking for a cash cow have seized upon the quackery, and, with the help of unethical shills like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., have dissuaded parents from vaccinations across the country, leading to new disease hot spots. Remember that the next time you hear the plaintiffs’ bar (falsely) taking credit for safety innovations that have saved lives. Earlier: Jul. 16 and other Overlawyered coverage; and Point of Law coverage. Orac has regularly blogged on the issue, and his April 30 entry is also worth reading.


  • Wow Ted, don’t hold back. Tell us what you really think;)

    And keep up the good work.

  • Indeed, the thimerosal theory of autism is ludicrous — particularly since thimerosal isn’t used in childhood vaccines anymore. But who cares about facts when large cash settlements are at hand?

  • Young Bobby Kennedy came in for more withering criticism in connection with his advocacy against the proposed wind farm off Cape Cod, which was described as irrational and incoherent.

    Like his position in this controversy!