U.K.: Clown told to stop blowing bubbles

Sheffield, U.K.: “Tony Turner, also known as Barney Baloney, will now stick to clowning and juggling after being refused insurance by several companies which feared youngsters might slip on the bubbles’ residue.” (Paul Stokes, “Safety mania bursts clown’s bubbles”, Daily Telegraph, Jun. 15). Earlier on clown liability, also from the U.K.: Apr. 9, 2001.

Sheffield, U.K.: “Tony Turner, also known as Barney Baloney, will now stick to clowning and juggling after being refused insurance by several companies which feared youngsters might slip on the bubbles’ residue.” (Paul Stokes, “Safety mania bursts clown’s bubbles”, Daily Telegraph, Jun. 15). Earlier on clown liability, also from the U.K.: Apr. 9, 2001.

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