Next stop for boys’ team-cutting: high schools?

The quota pressures of the federal Title IX law have resulted in the axing of hundreds of men’s college sports teams, and now activists are preparing to intensify their legal campaign at the high school level, reports Jessica Gavora: At the center of the pro-quota activists’ marching orders for Congress today is something called the […]

The quota pressures of the federal Title IX law have resulted in the axing of hundreds of men’s college sports teams, and now activists are preparing to intensify their legal campaign at the high school level, reports Jessica Gavora:

At the center of the pro-quota activists’ marching orders for Congress today is something called the “High School Sports Information Collection Act.” It’s modeled after the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA), which for a dozen years has forced colleges and universities to annually report their athletic participation and expenses — broken down by sex — to the feds. The EADA was meant to be, and is, a one-stop-shopping list for trial lawyers and activist groups looking for schools to sue for failing to meet the Title IX quota. Now, courtesy of Senators Olympia Snowe and Patty Murray, they are about to have the same litigation hit list of high schools.

In a year in which Rutgers, James Madison, Ohio University, Butler, Clarion, Slippery Rock, and Syracuse have eliminated hundreds of men’s roster spots in full or in part due to Title IX, we have yet to see — thankfully — boys’ high-school teams eliminated under the law. But we are beginning to see boys athletic opportunities be limited due to Title IX quota creep in high schools.

(Jessica Gavora, “Title IX Trickle-Down”, National Review Online/, Jun. 20)(broken link now fixed).


  • I predict that within 30 years natural conceptions will be illegal because women can’t do it without male participation. I can see NOW lobbying to make all pregnancies originate from a sperm bank. Men will be forced to contribute to the bank at least twice a month and people will choose their sperm by genetic type, all donors will be anonymous. Natural pregnancies will be aborted.

    It’s the only fair way to do it since a woman can’t get another woman pregnant. Something will have to be done to level the playing field. The fact that men can’t bear children or get each other pregnant is irrelevant.

  • If I recall from my reading of the Federalist Papers, eliminating men’s college sports programs was a prime concern for James Madison. For Andrew Hamilton, meanwhile, the focus was more on the federal funding of women’s college sports programs. Either way, it’s heartening to see that we’ve stayed true to the founders’ vision.

  • The answer is simple — don’t discriminate. If women want to compete with men for positions on the co-ed basketball and football teams, let them.

  • I see the trolls are out again.

    Please explain why schools should not have to spend equivalent dollars on women v men.