“…A possible vomit point for clients”

That’s one description of why some law firms have been reluctant to cross the psychological threshold of $1,000/hour fees for top lawyers’ services. That doesn’t mean they’re not going ahead with the increase, though. (Debra Cassens Weiss, “Top Lawyers Bill $1,000 an Hour”, Aug. 22; Althouse, Aug. 22; WSJ Law Blog, Aug. 22; Barry Leonardini, […]

That’s one description of why some law firms have been reluctant to cross the psychological threshold of $1,000/hour fees for top lawyers’ services. That doesn’t mean they’re not going ahead with the increase, though. (Debra Cassens Weiss, “Top Lawyers Bill $1,000 an Hour”, Aug. 22; Althouse, Aug. 22; WSJ Law Blog, Aug. 22; Barry Leonardini, Aug. 22). It’s still fairly paltry compared with some contingency fees, of course, as with the tobacco-Medicaid caper, where the Litigation Lobby successfully defeated as too chintzy a $20,000/hour cap and some estimates of fees obtained ran five times that high.

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