Abusive cop’s stress at being fired results in disability

Milwaukee cop Robert Henry was fired after being caught on tape in 2002 roughing up an arrested suspect. A federal judge has now ruled against Henry’s lawsuit over his firing. However, that doesn’t mean taxpayers are off the hook for the wayward officer’s continued support: “Henry was not criminally charged, and he later successfully filed for lifelong disability payments after he said he suffered stress for being fired. He remains on disability leave from MPD.” (John Diedrich, “Proof & Hearsay” (Journal-Sentinel blog), Nov. 1).


  • OK. there may be some legal aspect that is eluding me but this seems absurd. Firing terminates your employment. Stress from being fired would by definition not be a workplace related disability. It did not start until after your employment ended.

    Otherwise, you could never fire anyone since we could ALL claim disability.

  • OBQ,

    I think that’s the whole idea…

  • […] or long-shot employment litigation, and mention the Rachael Ray anorexic employee suit and the Milwaukee cop who got disability for the stress of being fired over roughing up a suspect. On the latter case, by the way, rather […]