“Pigeon poop plunge wins New Yorker six million dollars”

The city’s lawyer unsuccessfully argued that Sheldon Stewart had changed his story about what exactly he’d slipped on in his injurious descent down a subway staircase in the Bronx. The NYC transit authority plans to appeal the jury’s verdict. (AFP/Yahoo, Dec. 24; Denise Buffa, “Poop and $coop”, New York Post, Dec. 24).

The city’s lawyer unsuccessfully argued that Sheldon Stewart had changed his story about what exactly he’d slipped on in his injurious descent down a subway staircase in the Bronx. The NYC transit authority plans to appeal the jury’s verdict. (AFP/Yahoo, Dec. 24; Denise Buffa, “Poop and $coop”, New York Post, Dec. 24).


  • The city and the transit authority are (or at least were) two separate things, so whatever winnings there are will come from a different account. Either way, what an incredible rip-off.

  • From the article:
    He’ll get only 80 percent of that, or $6.13 million, because he was found 20 percent liable for failing to avoid the poop pile the second time around.

    So he knew the “danger” was there and is rewarded for not moving 6 inches to the left or right to avoid the poop?
