“Lawyers as Presidential Candidates”

Are the Democrats inclined toward them? Is the GOP averse to them? Or is it that the apparent contrast between the parties is overstated? (Laura Appleman, Faculty Lounge, Feb. 8).

Are the Democrats inclined toward them? Is the GOP averse to them? Or is it that the apparent contrast between the parties is overstated? (Laura Appleman, Faculty Lounge, Feb. 8).

One Comment

  • Open Secrets reports that “lawyers and law firms” have so far donated $82 million in the 2008 election cycle, 77% to Democrats. The lowest percentage since 1990 is 69%.

    If these ratios are representative of the legal profession, then lawyers would be inclined to *be* Democrats. In any case, these data show that lawyers are inclined to *favor* Democrats.
