At least they spelled our URL right

How many errors can you spot in the Jeannette Borzo/California Lawyer magazine story on legal blogging and its sentence about this weblog?

As best as most people can tell, the history of legal blogs began in July 1999 when two lawyers-a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and another attorney from New Jersey-launched Overlawyered (


  • Let’s see: 1) I’m not a lawyer. 2) I ran Overlawyered as a one-person site for years before any other contributors joined; 3) when people describe it as a two-author site, they generally think of the second author as being regular contributor Ted (who is not from N.J.) rather than occasional contributor David (who is).

    It’s easy to slip up on details, I realize. I just hope the errors don’t wind up being passed along from article to article.

  • It’s easy to slip up on details,

    But 60% of the sentence is made up of incorrect details!

  • IIRC, you weren’t working at the Manhattan Institute when you started this, either – that came later.

  • maybe they got their facts from Wikipedia