Microblog 2008-10-19

  • Foolish use of social media: Dan Schwartz feels like a broken record (= “corrupted music file”) warning about it [Connecticut Employment Law Blog] #
  • “Hundreds face charges for having nude photo that girl circulated” [Obscure Store, Michigan; Radley Balko at Reason “Hit and Run” has a separate Ohio case] #
  • “I Am the Beast Six Six Six vs. Michigan State Police”: crazy case names [Lowering the Bar via Legal Antics] #
  • Potential uses for lawyers of those new Google late-night “Email Goggles” [Lowering the Bar] #
  • Freddie Mac paid lobbyists $2 million in 2005 in stealth effort to undermine GOP-backed reform measure [AP; and N.B. Public Citizen still going out on a limb for Fannie & Fred] #
  • John Steele Gordon on mortgages, banks, bubbles and irresponsible politicians through U.S. history [Commentary] #
  • Can’t type “publ int” as shorthand for public interest without Word autocorrecting it to “pub lint”. #

One Comment

  • Word auto-correction can be re-educated. (Yes, I used the scary word, because that’s what it deserves.) It’s been a while since I fiddled with it, but what words it hits, etc, can all be customized. Or you can turn the ****ed thing off.

    As to prosecuting anyone who has the pic: same as usual with this stuff, send it to the all the prosecutors and judges in a 500 miles radius. No one left to prosecute you.

    Well, if they were honest, which they aren’t. Strict liability in criminal matters is just BEGGING to be abused like this. Same problem with drugs.