• Ugh. I hate how easily American politics are bought these days.

  • I hate that American politics are bought at all.

  • Come on guys. You do know we have the best Congress money can buy, don’t you?

  • Hmm. WordPress didn’t like my /snark tag.

  • > Ugh. I hate how easily American politics are bought these days.

    Me too. It’s not like the good old days when buying American politics was something you could be proud of achieving. They’ve cheapened it at removed any sense of achievement from it.

  • What’s there to be concerned about? It is just a few (hundred?) billion dollars more of taxpayer money going down the drain.

    Just the name of this act, “The Automobile Dealer Economic Rights Restoration Act of 2009”, makes you want to throw up.

  • A wise man I knew, whose business involved selling an item whose primary market was to various local agencies in a large metropolitan area once told me that he was never surprised that he received his contracts through bribery, but he was surprised by how little he had to pay.