January 5 roundup

  • Other motorist in fatal crash should have been detained after earlier traffic stop, says widow in suit against Kane County, Ill. sheriff’s office [Chicago Tribune]
  • Now with flashing graphic: recap of Demi Moore skinny-thigh Photoshop nastygram flap [Xeni Jardin, BoingBoing, Kennerly]
  • Blawg Review #245 is hosted by Charon QC;
  • Expensive, unproven, and soon on your insurance bill? State lawmakers mull mandate for autism therapy coverage [KY3.com, Springfield, Missouri]
  • “NBC airs segment on Ford settlement: Lawyers get $25 million, plaintiffs get a coupon” [NJLRA]
  • “Drawing on emotion”: high-profile patent plaintiff’s lawyer Niro writes book on how to win trials [Legal Blog Watch]
  • “Virginia Tech faces lawsuit over student’s suicide” [AP/WaPo]
  • Maryland lawmaker’s Howard-Dean-style candor: “you take care of your base… It’s labor and trial lawyers that get Democrats in office” [Wood, ShopFloor]


  • Well at least Ford can be grateful that NBC didn’t use rocket motors this time.

  • The Demi Moore GIF is priceless. Even though it serves as a nice B-slap to the client and attorney, the client will still receive a bill for the nastygram.

  • My colleague at work back in 1985 was bothered by his wife’s wanting autism screening for his son. I left that job but his wife continued with the autism business, and I just found out that she prevailed. The boy is a “high functioning” autistic. It reminds me of the radio personality who claimed to be the world’s tallest midget.

    The autism syndrome/s is/are too subjective and prone to error from suggestion to be suitable for a mandate. As a society we can not afford the autism fantasy when we have families cursed with schizophrenia and Alzheimer. Unfortunately, Senator Harkin has bought into the autism sophistry. He is vying for the title of “world’s smartest idiot”.

  • The Niro book is pretty good. I left a review on Amazon.