• I continue to be shocked and disgusted by men. A man would rather get his wife pregnant and have to support NINE CHILDREN than wear condoms? That’s ridiculous.

  • Here’s a better question: why isn’t there more research on the health and environmental effects of contraceptives, which continue to be almost universally ignored?

  • Maran’s a real piece of work. A product of a stream of feminism bent on blaming society’s, and their own, ills on men no matter what the cost and to hell with the facts. It’s not a movement that no longer exists, it just changes its scapegoats to suit its agenda. Fathers were fair game, then lacrosse players. Time will tell who is next.

  • Again, wow. Wouldn’t it be convenient if the lacrosse-player scenario was actually more prevalent than the fiction it presented. I dunna thin’ dat PS kens wha’ “feminism” means (in any manner other than some “a woman hurt me once, death to the bitches” kind of way). Feeling picked on even in their delusion!!?? Is your rally cry “Stand up and fight, men! All the whiny, complainy, fat-arsed, talking, stupid, dyke, scheming, nasty c**ts are out to get you!” Misogyny by any other name… please get a life, and scale your stereotypes if you want to have a legitimate dialogue.

    Titus, oh my god that is a nail i wish people would hit because wastewater treatment is mandatory and freaking hard. But, the larger question is the 900lb elephant of population size for humans. There are too many of us and the health effects of that fact are blazing. Yet dominance, subjugation, religion, culture, and society have colluded to ignore this obvious point. Given history and power imbalances across the above topic areas, it is most certainly NOT women who are to blame (if “blame” can even be used this way).

  • I think the comment from “Ps” was intended for the next post (Sept. 28 Roundup) where there is a discussion in progress of false abuse claims.

  • Walter O. thanks for the clarification on that because the post obviously made my eyes burn. So I retract my snark regarding Ps, and I will go read the post to which the comment belongs.


  • Contraceptive pills worked more than pretty well when they came out in the early 60’s and they have been improved since then. It was a sin that plaintiff lawyers took away the Dalkon Shield. (By the way the Wikipedia entry on the Dalkon Shield is Plaintiff- Lawyer garbage.) But the greatest evil was from Ronald Reagan’s Mexico City policy. That abortion at any stage is murder is a religious belief and has been incorporated into American politics to the detriment of billions.

    If Nicholus Kristof wants more research on contraceptives, he should contribute to Planned Parenthood and oppose right-to-life politicians. Or he could accumulate some capital and form a company to develop better contraceptives.

  • Walyer and heather – er yup, it was intended for a different post. Opera Mini on my phone has the tendency to take me to the wrong link at the most inopportune time.