• It’s a condiment for crying out loud, so it’s not unreasonable to suggest it’s only “part” of an otherwise nutritious breakfast. Use Nutella on whole grain bread (in moderation, naturally) to eat more whole grains. What about Froot Loops being “…part of a balanced breakfast”? Shall we also sue Hidden Valley Ranch for the salty dressing I use on my salad or Aunt Jemima for the sugary syrup I put on my bran pancakes? What about plain old fatty butter on my toast? Sue Darigold! How dare they encourage ways for me to use their product to enhance other nutritious but maybe not-so-tasty products!

    This lawsuit is extortion, plain and simple.

  • I’m still wondering what kind of complete idiot would actually believe Nutella to be health food, regardless of what the label says. It’s chocolate goo! The first rule of consumer class actions seems to be that consumers have an absolute right to turn off their brains and defy common sense.